Crockpot Hot Toddy recipes

Crockpot Hot Toddy recipes

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crockpot hot toddy


The perfect drink for your neighborhood Christmas cookie exchange or New Year’s Eve party, I serve this healthy Crockpot Hot Toddy to both adults and children, and sometimes I make ’em as an after school treat for the boys and the gaggle of friends they bring home.

It is best to start making this spicy, warming drink several hours before you plan to serve it as most Crockpots can take time to come to temperature.

crockpot hot toddy


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  • Place water, tea bags, ginger, cinnamon and honey in a crockpot
    on highest setting

  • Steep for a couple of hours until hot

  • Use a ladle to transfer into cups and add lemons when your guests arrive

Prep Time 5 minutes

Cook Time 2 hours

Total Time 2 hours 5 minutes

When making Hot Toddies, I’ve found it’s best to add the lemon at the end of the cooking process, as the rind can become bitter and overshadow the other flavors in this drink if the lemon is added to early.

I lightly sweeten this healthy beverage so that those looking to limit their intake of honey and other sugars can partake in it. I set out additional honey and [stevia] for guests (such as my boys) who want a sweeter Toddy.

Here are some of my other favorite warming beverage recipes:

  • Ginger Licorice Tea
  • Homemade Hot Apple Cider
  • Peppermint Hot Chocolate

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